Versions Compared


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Purpose of the application


In the notification center, any notifications about events, reminders, and system activities are stored. [more detailed info is here]


Chat messages


In chat messages, there are Deal rooms and Collaboration rooms listed with the last updates in them. They can be entered as well via this icon.


  • Open the Collaboration room tab and create it from scratch; 

  • Select the required listings and create a room with them; 

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In the opened popup, the user can select the participant for this room:


  • Open the Deal room tab and create it from scratch; 

  • Select the required listings and create a room with them; 

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  • Open Salesforce and click “Open” room in the corresponding Deal (if any); 


  • open the Static List tab and click “+“;

  • select the required listings and add them to the list.

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Color Themes

Color Themes are the custom themes that can identify the listing portal with the client’s brand.


  • this week;

  • this month;

  • this year.



For the xRE-related version, contacts & preferences are synced from there and all the actions (like editing, deleting, etc.) should be applied to them in xRE to be displayed in MarketSpace; for a standalone version, contacts & preferences can be created, and modified in MarketSpace.

Contacts can be organized into Marketing Lists.  

Marketing Lists


A Marketing list is an organized group of contacts who were gathered by criteria. 


  • via Listings tab: in this case, the selected listings will be auto-substituted to the campaign.

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  • via Marketing Lists: in this case, the selected marketing lists will be auto-substituted to the campaign.

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Email campaign wizard

Email campaign wizard is a flow organized into 5 steps that allow creating and launching an email campaign. It has a step counter that allows moving between steps easier and identifies whether the step is passed (with green checkmarks).


The user can open the Statistics of the campaign by clicking on the action menu → Open Statistics. They will be redirected to the Mailchimp:


Error handling in the email campaign wizard
