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  • Glossary

    A-D | E-K | L-O | P-S | T-Z






    Add Content tab

    The control panel in the editor that allows to select the content to fill the template with it. The available elements vary depending on the template type, and consist of the static and dynamic elements, blocks, form and integration.

    API key

    A code used to identify and authenticate an application or user.


    A feature of a property that makes it more valuable to potential buyers or tenants.

    Artifact (or Report)

    A file that was generated from a certain type of a publication.


    A part of design that forms a setting for the main figures or objects, or appears under the main content. It can be set as a color or as an image.

    Binding (data binding, mapping)

    The process that couples two data sources (Salesforce/MarketSpace and Composer Online) together and synchronizes them. With data binding, a change to an element in a data set automatically updates in the bound data set.


    Ready-to-use combinations of static and dynamic elements for creating new or modifying existing templates.

    Border collapse

    A CSS-property for table borders adjustments. It identifies whether the border should collapse into a single border or be separated as in standard HTML.

    Border radius

    A CSS-property which rounds the corners of an element's outer border edge.

    Border width

    A CSS property that sets the width of an element's border.

    Box shadow

    A CSS-property that adds shadow effects around an element's frame. A box shadow is described by X and Y offsets relative to the element, blur and spread radius, and color.

    Bug reporting tool

    A feature which allows reporting a bug via filling a form for every logged-in user. It is available from any part of the system in the bottom right corner. Every bug report produces a Helpdesk ticket which will be used by the Support team to reach out back.

    Container (Collection Container)

    A type of the dynamic element which is a connector between 2 data sources (Salesforce/MarketSpace and Composer Online) and is used to put the rest elements in it. The Container element identifies a particular collection in the database and allows calling for data in this collection. The type of data which can be grabbed (text, image, geolocation, etc.) is determined based on the dynamic element used. There are 4 container-kind elements available: Collection Container, Table Container, Current User Container, and Aggregation.


    Statements that evaluates actions applied to the dynamic fields in the template and evaluate if it's true or false. Conditions work on the principle if-then-else.

    Connected App

    A framework that enables an external application to integrate with Salesforce using APIs and standard protocols.

    Content alignment

    A CSS-property that sets the distribution of space between and around content items.

    Current User container

    A kind of collection container that allows grabbing the information from the current user’s profile. It can replace the data associated with the record in the database.

    Data tab

    The control panel in the editor that allows setting from which part of the the datasource the information should be grabbed. Also, this tab helps to set additional adjustments for the dynamic data like filters, sorting rules, serial number of the first element that should be grabbed, the total number of the elements, number and currency format, amenities, etc. (the list of settings depends on the element).


    The sub tab of the Style tab in the editor that allows to adjust background and borders of the elements, including color, opacity, radius, etc.

    Default template

    A kind of template with a predefined structure which can be used as prototypes for customizable templates. Such a template should be selected with a “Choose” button to be duplicted to the account and become available for editing.


    The sub-tab of the Style tab in the editor that allows to adjust measurement for height, width, margins and paddings.


    A CSS-property sets the direction of text, table columns, and horizontal overflow.


    A CSS-property sets the way how the selected element should be displayed in the editor: as a block or inline box and the layout used for its children, such as flow layout, grid or flex.

    Display elements

    The setting which allow assigning the starting element and the total number of the elements to be grabbed if the relation between collections is one-to-many.

    Dynamic elements

    A kind of element that can be used to grab the data from the data source. These elements set the connection between the values in the database and the dynamic element of the same type, and grab the corresponding data (text for Text element, images for Image element, etc.).







    A role in Composer Online with a basic list of opportunities, including:

    • operating with private and published templates;

    • seeing and using the default templates built with the objects which the user can access based on the permissions in Salesforce;

    • creating, editing and deleting private templates and publications;

    • using default and published templates as the prototypes for the private templates;

    • exporting publications in the corresponding files (PDF, HTML and ZIP archives) depending on the template type;

    Editor area

    The space in Composer Online which is used to drag the elements on and position them based on the required template structure. By default, Editor area is empty for the templates from scratch, and filled with particular content for default templates.

    Email campaign

    A sequence of marketing efforts that contacts multiple recipients and sent via Mailchimp.

    Email template

    A type of template that produce the strucutre of the future embedded content for emails. The reports built on Email templates are used for email campaigns.

    Entity (or Collection, Object)

    A type of data that represents various aspects of a business. It serves as a storage for organized data which is combined by particular criteria. Examples in real estate include entities like Property, Listing, Availability, Deal, etc.


    The sub-tab of the Style tab in the editor that allows adjusting the template flexibly by using CSS-properties.

    FTP server

    A software application that enables the transfer of files from one computer to another. It can be created outside Composer Online and used for uploading Microsites publications to get the ready-to-use live landing pages.


    A property that takes the data, makes some specific decision about it and either pass it or not depending on the set condition. The filters are applied to the dynamic data.


    A separate structure component of the Printable templates. Footer is a space on the page bottom used for page numbering and any other data that should be replicable on other pages in the report. The footer can be activated and deactivated (hidden) in the Section’s Options tab individually for every section.


    The collection of the dynamic elements that can be used to compose forms in the Microsite templates.

    General tab

    The sub-tab of the Style tab in the editor that allows adjusting elements directions and alignments if their parent-element is a flex-container (the element which “Display” setting in the Extra tab is set as “Flex“).


    Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages. HTML describes the structure of a Web page.


    A separate structure component of the Printable templates. Header is a space on the page top used for page numbering and any other data that should be replicable on other pages in the report. The header can be activated and deactivated (hidden) in the Section’s Options tab individually for every section.


    The value that identify the element’s vertical size.


    A property of the Link element which determine the text to display the link in the report.

    Image type

    The type of the image in the data source. There are 2 options: Related Primary image (which was assigned as Primary in the data source) and Own image content including all images associated with the record.


    The collection of the dynamic elements that allows setting the connection between Composer Online and other applications.







    The element in the Integration tab that allows creating personalized and more user-oriented emails for the marketing campaigns by using merge tags.


    A role in Composer Online with an advanced list of opportunities, including:

    • operating with private and published templates;

    • seeing and using the default templates built with the objects which the user can access based on the permissions in Salesforce;

    • creating, editing and deleting private templates and publications;

    • using default and published templates as the prototypes for the private templates;

    • exporting publications in the corresponding files (PDF, HTML and ZIP archives) depending on the template type;

    • seeing and manage the templates and publications of the team members within the organization;

    • publishing private templates within the organization to make them available to all organization members;

    • adjusting Organization settings.


    A CSS-property that is used to create space around elements, outside of any defined borders

    Max height

    The property of the dynamic elements determines the maximum vertical size they can increase to. The CSS property “Overflow” (Typography tab) is used to adjust the behavior of the content in such elements.

    Max width

    The property of the dynamic elements determines the maximum horizontal size they can increase to.

    Merge tag

    A unique label tied to the information collected through the Mailchimp signup form which saves the information in an audience field. Merge tags are used to personalize the email templates based on the information collected about the contact.

    Microsite template

    A type of templates which can produce landing pages (one-page websites).

    Min height

    The property of the dynamic elements determines the minimum vertical size they can occupy.

    Min width

    The property of the dynamic elements determines the minumum horizontal size they occupy.

    Nested collection

    Any collection which can be determined in the Data tab when the container-kind element is put inside the previously added container-kind element.


    A CSS-property that is used to specify how an image or video should be resized to fit its container. This property tells the content to fill the container in a variety of ways, including:

    • contain = preserve that aspect ratio and place the whole image into the Image block;

    • cover = preserve that aspect ratio and crop the image to fit the container;

    • fill = stretch up and take up as much space as possible.


    The degree to which content behind an element is hidden, and is the opposite of transparency. It varies from 0 to 1, where 1 - is the value for fully visible content behind an element.

    Options tab

    The control panel in the editor with additional settings for the elements except styling.

    Org Settings

    A panel where global settings withing the organization can be selected. It consists of the Formats (date, time, number), AscendixRE CRM (Connected APP), FTP server, and Google APIs. This panel is available for users in the Manager role only.






    PDF format

    A versatile file format of the documents that is used when there is a need to save files that cannot be modified but still need to be easily shared and printed. Printable templates produce PDF reports.


    A CSS property that is used to generate space around an element's content, inside of any defined borders.

    Page break after

    A CSS property adjusts page breaks after the current element. The content after the element, which is assigned with this property, will be transferred to the next page automatically.

    Page break before

    A CSS property adjusts page breaks before the current element. The content before the element, which is assigned with this property, will remain on the current page but the element with the rest of the content will be transferred to the next page automatically.

    Page break inside

    A CSS property adjusts page breaks inside the current element. For “auto” value, the content of the element which is assigned with the property will be split into pieces if does not fit one page; for “avoid” value, the content of the element which is assigned with the property will be fully transferred to the next page to remain solid.


    The smallest unit in a digital display.


    A CSS property which sets how an element is positioned in a document. Position has 4 values:

    • static: default value. Elements render in order, as they appear in the document flow;

    • absolute: the element is positioned relative to its first positioned (not static) ancestor element;

    • relative: the element is positioned relative to its normal position, so "left:20px" adds 20 pixels to the element's LEFT position, etc.;

    • fixed: the element is positioned relative to the browser window.


    The feature which allow viewing a future report before it is generated.

    Printable template

    A type of templates that is used to compose PDF files which can be used online or printed.

    Private template

    The template created by the current user. Such templates are visible to the templates' owners and to Managers. The same users can edit such templates.


    The next stage after the Template in the report generation. Publications are still HTML files which consists of the Template + grabbed data from the source. These stage allows making the final edits to the report before it is downloaded.

    Published template

    The template created by Manager and made available to all users within an organization (published). Such templates can be edited by Managers but not Editors. To make a published template editable, the Editors should duplicate it that equals making it private.

    Root collection

    The collection on which the template was built. The container-kind elements are mapped on a root collection automatically once dragged into the editor.


    A structure unit of the template or publication which is a chapter in them whose size varies depending on the content and can take from 1 to many pages.


    An HTML element that contains other elements. It is used to group together related elements for the purpose of styling or semantic purposes.

    Static elements

    A kind of elements which do not have relation with the data source, and will be reprodced the same as they were adjusted in the template in every new report.

    Structure tab

    The control panel that allows managing Sections (create, duplicate and delete) and the hierarchy of the elements in the editor.

    Style tab

    The control panel in the editor that allows adjusting the appearance and behavior of the elements in the template.







    The wireframe of the future report which consists of sections and can be filled with dynamic and static elements.

    Template from scratch

    A kind of templates that is created via the “New from scratch” button and is empty.

    Template orientation

    The way in which a rectangular page is oriented for normal viewing. There are 2 options: portait and landscape. The setting is available for Printable templates only.

    Template size

    The size of sheets of paper for which the template is prepared. The setting is available for Printable templates only.

    Template status

    The level of the template ownership.

    Template type

    The categorization of templates based on their purpose: printable, email, microsite.

    Test email

    The feature that allows ensuring the email will be displayed as expected when it reaches Inbox. The feature is available for Email templates only.


    The sub-tab of the Style tab in the editor that allows adjusting the text components.


    The value that identify the element’s horizontal size.

    Word break

    The CSS property sets whether line breaks appear wherever the text would otherwise overflow its content box.

    Wrap item

    A CSS-property sets whether flex items are forced onto one line or can wrap onto multiple lines. If wrapping is allowed, it sets the direction that lines are stacked.


    A CSS property sets the z-order of a positioned element and its descendants or flex items. Overlapping elements with a larger z-index cover those with a smaller one.


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