

Dynamic link with static hypertext feature



After Dynamic Link is added to the Editor Area, Template Editor can open Component settings from the Data tab and select the type of hypertext: 


In the Text field section only text fields are displayed. On the Text Field mapped its value is displayed as Hypertext for Dynamic Link element on Preview and final Publications. On the Text Field selected – the URL from the mapped Source field is displayed as Hypertext. 


Shown Text field. Enter any text to be displayed as Hypertext for the Dynamic Link element on the Preview and Final Publications. On no Text entered – the URL from the mapped Source field is displayed as Hypertext. 

Conditional Values for numeric fields 

After Dynamic Text Bind is added to the Editor Area, Template Editor can open the Data tab and add Conditional Value. On the Conditional Values dialog, Template Editor can: 

  1. Set a conditional expression, which can include the following conditional operators: 

    1. <> (not equal)

    2. >= 

    3. <= 

    4. Is blank 

    5. Is not blank 

  1. Specify text, which will be reflected in the final publication for all data, which matches the conditional expression. 

  2. Delete conditional expressions one by one (without confirmation) 

  3. Rearrange conditional expressions 

  4. Select from the Else field the following options: 

    1. Database value 

    2. Custom Value  

The quantity of applied conditions should be reflected on the Conditional Value section of the Data tab When Custom Else Value is set - the quantity of applied conditions should be increased by 1.. When Conditional rules are set - Field format rules on the Component Settings section on the Data tab should affect only Database values from the Else field. 

If required fields are empty they are highlighted and the Save button is disabled. 

Dynamic Table Container Element: Filter blank values 

After Dynamic Table Container is added to the Editor Area, Template Editor can open the Filter dialog from the Data tab. 

In the Filter dialog for numeric and text fields, Template Editor can pick the value: 

  1. Is blank 

  2. Is not blank  

Static Image Element: static or dynamic URL under image  

After Static Image element is added into Editor Area, Template Editor can add Static or Dynamic URL to make a web Publication look more microsite like. 

To add a URL link under the static image Template Editor needs first add a Collection container element and put the static image element to it. On the Data tab select the type of the URL link: dynamic or static.  

For dynamic URL select: 

  • Select the Source field  

  • Select the Hint on hover – dynamic or static 

  • Select the Text Field 

On the Publication Preview screen ad final publication, the hint on hover displayed text from the current Collection over a static image  


       For static URL: 

  • Add the Source. 

  • Select the Hint on hover – dynamic or static 

  • Add text 

On the Publication Preview screen ad final publication, the hint on hover displayed text from same from the Text field over a static image. The text field can be blank in this case URL field is displayed. If the URL field is not mapped the hint won’t be displayed. 

Custom date formats for Generated Date static element 

For Generated Date static element on the Data tab replace the existing date format controls with Custom Date formats. 

Date and time are displayed according to the org settings. Can be changed at any time. 

Email compatible template  

Also, we have added the ability to create email-compatible templates. Currently, this option is available only for completely new templates.  

To create email compatible template, enable the toggle on the New Template Parameters screen and click Go to Editing 

     Functionality that was changed for email-compatible templates 

  • Blocks section on the Content tab is hidden from the Template Editor 

  • Static Map block element is hidden  

  • Settings from Styles tab that are not supported by Email agents are hidden 

    • Flex option is hidden from Display settings in the Extra section on the Styles tab 

    • Default Display settings value for Block elements is set to block 

  • Collection Container default Display settings value is set to Block 

  • Static column elements are replaced with Static Table elements. 

  • Initial Template layouts only blank 

Note: Supported Email agents – Gmail, MS Outlook. 

Home Page  

      Implemented the Home Page for public users with the ability to login into the Composer       Online via Salesforce and MarketSpace. From this page users who have accounts on Salesforce or  MarketSpace can login into Composer Online using their credentials.  

  1. Users who have MarketSpace account required fields are: 

    1. Organization ID 

    2. Email Address 

    3. Password 

  2. Users who have MarketSpace account required fields are: 

    1. Login 

    2. Password 

Sign out 

On top of the Home page, we have added the option to sign out from the system.  

In case the user needs to sign out, there is an option under the user’s account Sign Out. Upon clicking Composer Online closes and redirects to the Home page. 

UI/UX improvements 

Pinned preview control panel on the publication preview screen so all functions from the control panel are available without the necessity of scrolling to the top of the Previewed publication. 

Added the “Create publication” button to the Publication preview screen. So now if you need to create a publication you don’t need to close the Preview screen and repeat the entities selection which was done before the publication preview. 

On the filter dialog added the “Is not equal” operator for all types of text fields. The operator can be applied together with all existing filtering rules. After Picklist is selected with Equals and is not equal operators replace the filtering conditions textbox with the filtering conditions drop-down menu with possible field values (from Data Source). 


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